Returning To Exercise After Your Baby

Mums & Bubs classes are a great way to return to exercise in a fun and social environment

Caring for the Pelvic Floor – Returning to Exercise

It is important to gradually return to exercise following your pregnancy to allow your body to heal properly. The hormones circulating in your body take up to 3 months to leave, and longer if you continue to breastfeed past this stage. These hormones are responsible for increasing the laxity in your ligaments to allow your hips to widen for childbirth. However the hormones affect all the ligaments in your body, including those responsible for holding your pelvic organs in place. By going back to high-impact exercises early, you will put yourself at risk of developing a prolapse or incontinence.

For the first 3 months it is only recommended to participate in low impact exercise, as tolerated. If you do experience any leakage or prolapse symptoms, please speak to your women’s health physiotherapist.

Low-impact exercise options:

  • Walking

  • Cycling

  • Swimming

  • Cross trainer

  • Pilates

  • Yoga

  • Light weights (<3kg)

High-impact exercises should be avoided until you are at least 3 – 6 months post-natal and you have have a postnatal MOT assessment. These exercises include:

  • Running

  • Jumping

  • Star jumps

  • Boot camps

  • Skipping

  • Boxing

  • Tennis

  • Netball

If you are unsure about returning to exercise after your baby or would like more detailed information, please get in touch via the contact tab above!