Why all women should have a postnatal check with a Pelvic Health Physio!

I strongly recommend that ALL women, regardless of the mode of delivery, or if there are symptoms, should have a postnatal check with a Pelvic Health Physio.

Did you know that the pelvic floor can stretch up to 300% it’s resting length for a vagina birth? It is the only muscle in the body that stretches this much! With this much ‘trauma’ it is SO important you allow time for it to rest and recover. Add in any tears, grazes, episiotomies, forceps or vontusse and this need for rehabilitation is amplified.

Many women with obstetric anal sphincter tears may be asymptomatic so assume they don’t need follow-up, however statistics say there is an increased risk of bladder and bowel issues later in life (the menopause!!) when hormones change and effect our pelvic floor.

For those who have had Caesarean sections, there has still been a huge amount of extra weight and pressure on the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles over a short period of time. Many women’s bodies are not strong enough to cope with this load and it can lead to weakening of the pelvic floor, abdominal muscles and back or pelvic pain.

We also assess the tummy muscles for a diastasis recti (DRAM) which every mother gets whilst they are pregnant. We can help make sure this resolves and give you a rehab program and advice to speed this up. We also assess and treat all musculoskeletal issues; and have contacts for lactation consultants, GPs, specialists and anything you may have questions about! I’d highly recommend a check and it’s never too late - 1,5,20 years postnatal! Get in touch to know more or to find a physio near you.


Preventing Childbirth Injuries with Birthsense Australia


PPFA - Easy Stretches To Relax The Pelvis For Women